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Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the Madison Heights Master Plan?
The Madison Heights Master Plan in Amherst County is a “blueprint” for the future of the Madison Heights area. The Master Plan is a long‑term guide for growth and development, establishing a vision of what Madison Heights could look like in twenty years. The plan addresses a variety of topics, including land use, housing, economic development, and transportation. It identifies objectives and strategies that can be implemented to realize the community’s vision.

Why is this Master Plan Important?
The Master Plan will be a policy document, which will be referenced by elected officials, appointed officials, and different departments as decisions are made regarding the area’s future. Moreover, the Master Plan will be a way for the private sector and property owners and businesses in the area to find opportunities to grow and thrive. It will show the vision for future development and improvements and will allow individual properties to better connect to those opportunities through a unified and harmonious plan for the future.

How Might this Plan Affect my Property Rights?
Adoption of the Master Plan will not change the zoning of a particular property. While the Master Plan is an advisory policy document, the zoning ordinance and zoning map are regulatory documents that indicate how property can be used today. Recommendations made in the Master Plan guide decisions regarding requested zoning changes. These recommendations will be considered by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as future land use cases (rezonings, conditional use permits, etc.) are publicly reviewed. By being able to see a clear plan for the future of the area, everyone will be able to understand the guidance for future policy or zoning changes in Madison Heights.

How can I Provide Feedback to this Plan?
Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the Master Plan. There will be a public survey at the start of the process and a public open house meeting to review a draft plan before it goes to a public hearing process. Any formal adoption of the plan by the Board of Supervisors must also go through a public hearing process. Check the project website regularly to learn about upcoming participation opportunities.

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